Lindsey Marie

Lindsey Marie

Hey! I'm Lindsey Marie and I'm a lover of all things music and the outdoors. Thanks for spending your workday with me! Full Bio


How To Watch The Super Blue Blood Moon In Colorado

They say this phenomenon hasn't happened since 1866, just a year after the Civil War. So this is pretty rare to say the least. A super moon is when a full moon is in its closest orbit to earth. A blue moon is the second full moon in one month. A blood moon is the red tint the Earth's shadow casts on the moon in a lunar eclipse. Each of these things aren't so rare on their own, but they almost never happen all in the same night. 

So how can you witness this incredible event in Colorado tomorrow morning? The partial eclipse will begin at 4:48 am. Peak eclipse will be at 6:30 am and moonset will happen at 7:12 am. You will surly want to wake up early to see this! 

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