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Raymundo proposed a game for Bobby to play called Bobby Bones versus the Internet. This is where Bones answers "controversial" questions from the Internet sharing his opinions.
- ketchup in the fridge or in the pantry? Both answers are appropriate to him, but in his house the ketchup is always in the fridge. But he's the only one who eats it. However, when he waited tables they always left it out on each table.
- toilet paper OVER or UNDER? He doesn't care, it all works the same to him. He says it's just toilet paper and it's a detail that doesn't matter to him. If he's in charge of the bathroom, he doesn't replace the roll, he just sets the full roll on top of the empty one.
- do straws have one or two holes? He thinks they puncture it to create one hole in the middle despite the look of it having a hole on either side.
- Are boneless wings just nuggets? Boneless wings to him aren't really wings, it's just a piece of meat that's the same size as a chicken wing. His official answer is that yes, they are just nuggets and just approached differently.
- Which armrest is yours at the movies? He doesn't go to the movie theater anymore, however to him it's first come, first serve. If your arm goes up on it before the other person, it's yours. If your arm comes off of it, then it's all game. The only one that's for sure yours is if you have an aisle seat and the armrest on the aisle is 100% yours, obviously.
- Can you recline your seat on an airplane? Absolutely yes. It wouldn't be an option if it weren't allowed.
- Is K rude to text? It's all about context, K for the most part can mean similar to the double tap, thumbs up. And since that double tap was invented, he thinks it's more rude now because you can use the thumbs up. Before, he thinks it was just a quick, easy response.
- Should pizza be cut in triangles or squares? First, he thinks if people are super passionate about this, they need new priorities. He prefers squared because it's the same pizza and he's not a crust guy so he can eat pieces without the crust.